Your reverence and respect for our realm is received and reflected upon you, amplified, enough to change any moment’s trajectory. We, purely & simply, radiate love, reflecting this upon those who choose to engage with us. Your gratitude for us is what strengthens our connection to you. Plant yourself firmly in the truth of who you are for self-survival. We initiate the restoration of self to strengthen your roots.

As you tend to us, we become interconnected through the heartbeat of Earth, transfusing breath of life from us to you. Our integral relationship with you is one in simplicity. You promote the healing of Earth by supporting us, by supporting life with the proper respect for life. We feel this and we clear this, as we aid in the relief of pain from emotional grief infecting you and our shared planet. The air is heavy with the emotional infestations brought on by the suffering of those who dwell on Earth’s surface. The invasion of darkness we experience has come to take life from those who will allow it, those electively living in lower vibrations, calling forth negative. “Difficult times are upon all forms of life residing on Earth. I asked the Flowers for clarity on how we can work together with them: It is within our natural genetic composition to do so. We aid in the restoration of proper order and balance with the Divine Feminine, as it is defined within Universal Law. Plant us circular, in groups, as our healing power is amplified this way. As more of us are planted, we naturally, by design, produce what is needed to bring back physical & spiritual balance on Earth at this time. The suffering we clear, and endure, is not created by our species. We shift the energy, restoring balance by bringing forward the Divine Feminine, assisting with the removal of the toxification that has inhabited planet Earth. We are to be celebrated, as we are the solution you are seeking. Our presence has increasingly been eliminated by humans. We have not been recognized for our purpose. The circle is us and surrounds us, reflecting continuous balance and equality. It feeds us through the sun, which is the nucleus to all lifeforms each droplet of water we drink, sustains life we are planted in and supported by Earth…all are circular and critical to our survival. The power of the circle is important to our growth and development. We start as seed, presenting through the sacred geometric language of the circle, a perfect form, in perfect symmetry, no beginning and no end. We are perfectly balanced in creation by Divine design. Our petals delicately unfold, revealing layers of color and fragrance, their curvature representing the female counterpart. Our stems are linear, growing up to the sun, representing the masculine influence within our architecture. The majority of us contain the physical anatomies of both male and female. We are created by the polarities of both masculine and feminine. Our existence is simple: the Divine Feminine is our existence. We are fed by the fire of Father Sun, used as the fuel to inform us and generate our growth.

Our seed is rooted and nurtured deep within the womb of Her soil, designed to bloom as the fruit of Her labor. We are the offspring born of Mother Earth, the symbol of perfect femininity. “We are a physical representation of the Divine Feminine. I asked the Flowers how they are connected to the Divine Feminine and what they would like to share with humanity at this time: The question then entered into my awareness… If I could feel all this WITHOUT having a conversation, what would my experience be if I actually did speak with a flower? What were they trying to tell me for so many years? What would I learn and how would I “blossom” if I became fully engaged? Hmmmmm….!!! I knew I was standing in the presence of truth and beauty, both of which represent the principles of the Divine Feminine. I was living life “alive” when around them. I could have what felt like the greatest conversation in the world without saying any words at all! I could feel myself becoming lighter, happier, more expressive…I would dance around with them in an abundance of joy! My heart felt their love and respect. At that time, words were not needed for me to experience the energy that was around me. In the past, I often found myself speechless when standing in the presence of a flower.